Friday, March 28, 2008

Why We Homeschool

There are days when there is no need to wonder why homeschooling is a good thing. Like days when the guys are doing this:). For those of you who are wondering, this is not about a swing. It is not about two brothers pushing each other up to catch their feet in the branches 20 feet above. It is about joy and perfect health and what it means to be alive. Most of all, it is about freedom.
There is a court case in CA that is currently making headlines regarding the right of families to homeschool. There are some mitigating circumstances that make this case less than ideal, but our country was built upon the democratic ideals of personal freedom, so we must ensure that this notion applies to education forever if we are to survive into the 21th century. My hopes go out to the people who face resistance to homeschooling in local school districts and states. It is important at all times for us to educate ourselves about our rights and keep a professional attitude 24/7 about what we do. Being informed is the best defense.
Good Luck to All!

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